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Cooling Indramat Motors

25 September, 2023   |   Indramat, Servo, Motors, Cooling, Diagnosis, Service

cooling indramat motors

Indramat motors are designed to deliver top-notch performance, even under tough conditions, including in environments that pose explosion risks. Nonetheless, it's vital to understand how temperatures affect these motors and to implement appropriate cooling measures to preserve their functionality and efficiency.

Issues Related to Temperature:

Heat-induced error codes become more frequent with rising external temperatures, which can lead to overtemperature warnings and consequent shutdowns. Quick, makeshift cooling solutions might seem appealing but could ultimately degrade motor performance.


Effective Cooling Practices for Indramat Motors:

To ensure effective and safe cooling of Indramat motors, consider these strategies:

1. Use of Climate Control Cabinets: Utilizing climate control cabinets is the most reliable method to cool Indramat motors. These cabinets maintain a controlled environment, shielding the motors from excessive heat, humidity, and condensation.

2. Adherence to Specified Coolants: For motors that require liquid cooling, it's essential to use only the manufacturer-recommended coolants. Deviating from specified coolants can cause damage to the motors.

3. Refrain from Improvised Fan Cooling: Avoid makeshift fan cooling methods like dry ice or standard oscillating fans. Fans can propel dirt, dust, and debris toward the motor, causing accumulation that impairs functionality and necessitates expensive repairs.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How long does it take for an Indramat motor to cool down?

   It typically takes about 140 minutes, or two and a half hours, for an Indramat motor to cool down completely after disconnecting from its power source. This cooling period is roughly five times the motor’s thermal constant.

2. Is it safe to handle the motor immediately after use?

  Handling the motor before it has adequately cooled can be hazardous and may lead to burns. Use protective gloves if you need to touch the motor while it's still hot.

At Indramat USA, we are dedicated to maintaining the optimal performance of your servomotors. These motors are built to last under proper conditions. If you encounter any issues, such as damage from overheating, don’t hesitate to contact us. We'll thoroughly evaluate the issue and provide a detailed repair plan and quote.

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Contact Information
North Carolina Office

Indramat USA
1620 Old Apex Road
Cary, NC 27513


Toll Free: 1-888-551-3082
International: 1-919-443-0207




[email protected]

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