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What Does the Indramat F383 Error Code Indicate?

2 October, 2023   |   F383, Indramat, error, code, repair, fix, meaning

F383 Error Code DIAX04

Indramat motion control systems are well-known for their superb performance when properly utilized. The company produced a broad array of products, such as servo drives, controls, power supplies, and motors, until it ceased production in 2001. Despite this, these robust systems are still actively used in various machinery applications, thanks to their prolonged durability.


Despite Indramat’s reliability and consistency, operational errors do occur, communicated via fault codes shown on the H1 status indicator of the drive controller. One specific error, the Indramat F383 error code, signals a line voltage fault. This error is noted by the DIAX04 drive controller and involves the HVR power supply module.


Common Causes for the F383 Error Code

The F383 error code, classified as non-fatal, is triggered when the voltage of the mains supply to the HVR power supply module surpasses the manufacturer's allowable variance. The HVR module, crucial for its dual functions, includes:

1. Regulating DC power to the DKC servo drives, ensuring a consistent voltage output.

2. Regenerating surplus power efficiently without heat generation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I prevent the F383 error code?

A: Prevention of the F383 error involves ensuring that the voltage of the mains supply to the HVR module stays within the manufacturer's recommended range of 3 x 380 V to 480 V, without exceeding this by more than 10%.


Q: What actions should be taken if the F383 error code appears?

A: Upon the appearance of the F383 error code, it is crucial to immediately verify the mains voltage and adjust it to fall within the acceptable limits. Sometimes, employing a suitable transformer might be necessary. Although this line voltage fault is non-fatal, it is important not to overlook it. Correcting the error swiftly is vital to prevent possible negative impacts and system downtime.

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