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What Does the Indramat F818 Fault Code Indicate?

2 October, 2023   |   Indramat, Fault, Code, F818, Diagnosis, Repair

f818 Indramat Error

Indramat servo drives are a fundamental component in their manufacturer's motion control systems. Throughout its history, Indramat has developed a broad array of servo drives tailored for various needs. Even today, many modern motion control setups still depend on Indramat's servo drives for seamless operation.

Troubleshooting Indramat products is streamlined by the display of fault codes on the drive controller's status indicator. These codes might appear as either a two-digit or a four-character alphanumeric code, depending on the particular type of drive controller used. For example, the F818 fault code is an issue that might arise over time.

Servo drives naturally produce heat while operating and are designed to handle specific maximum temperatures. If the operational temperature exceeds the designated range, the drives can overheat, which poses a danger not only to the drives themselves but also to the associated electronic components, making it unsafe for continued operation.

The F818 fault code is defined in the user manual as a "Drive Overtemperature Shutdown" error. This critical error requires immediate action. Typically, this fault code follows an E250 overtemperature warning that appears about thirty seconds before the F818 code is triggered.


Common Causes for the F818 Fault Code

The main cause of overheating, which leads to the F818 fault code, is often poor or inadequate cooling. Factors contributing to the overheating condition that then triggers the F818 fault include:

1. A failing or damaged internal blower in the drive.

2. A malfunctioning air conditioning system within the control cabinet.

3. Inadequately sized or configured control cabinet, which results in poor ventilation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What steps should be taken to address an F818 fault code?

A: To tackle an F818 fault code, start by inspecting the drive’s blower fan. If the blower has failed or is damaged, it will need to be replaced. Also, ensure the air conditioning system in the control cabinet is operational. Avoid using makeshift solutions such as opening the cabinet door and using a box fan. If the blower and air conditioning system are functioning correctly, consider whether the control cabinet size may need to be increased to improve airflow.

Q: Is it possible to resolve the F818 fault code on-site where the drive is installed?

A: Clearing the F818 fault code typically requires professional help. Facility personnel might not have the necessary expertise to replace drives or repair a damaged air conditioning system. It’s advisable to engage professionals to ensure proper handling and resolution of the issue.

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