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Should You Repair or Remanufacture Indramat Products?

25 September, 2023   |   Repair, Remanufacture, Indramat, Choice

Repaired and Remanufactured Indramat Motors

Indramat products are acclaimed for their robust reliability and prolonged service life, often maintaining performance with minimal maintenance. Since the production of new Indramat items has ceased, these products have become legacy items. When these durable products finally require maintenance after long service lifetimes, choosing between repair and remanufacturing becomes a pivotal decision.

Each choice has its benefits and drawbacks, necessitating careful evaluation to determine the best course of action for restoring an Indramat item to its peak operational state.



Repair entails addressing specific deficiencies within the product, which might involve repairing or refurbishing faulty or damaged components to ensure they function correctly. Important aspects of repair include:


- Repair is selective, focusing only on problematic components, thus it may be a more cost-effective approach.

- Generally, repairs are more economical than remanufacturing.

- Warranty on repairs usually varies and covers only the components that were fixed.

- Repairs can increase the lifespan of the treated component by about 50%, but do not guarantee the overall product against future malfunctions.



Remanufacturing involves a thorough overhaul of the product to restore it to a condition comparable to new. During this process, all worn and aged parts are replaced, and the product case is refurbished. Details of the remanufacturing process include:

- The process consists of disassembling the product entirely and replacing all degraded parts with new ones, while also refurbishing the housing.

- Remanufacturing often costs more than repair due to the extensive replacement of parts.

- Warranties for remanufactured products are generally comprehensive, covering the entire product.

- The life expectancy of a remanufactured product is nearly equivalent to that of a new one, offering an almost new usage experience.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. When should you choose repair over remanufacture?

   Repair is advisable when specific isolated issues need addressing and the rest of the product is in satisfactory condition with little wear.

2. Is it preferable to repair or remanufacture Indramat products?

   Given that new Indramat parts are not available for remanufacturing, repair often becomes the more feasible option. However, if it is possible to remanufacture using authentic and original parts from the manufacturer, then remanufacturing could be a worthwhile alternative.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. When is a repair recommended over a remanufacture?

   Repair is typically recommended when only one or a few product components require attention, while the remaining parts remain in good condition without significant wear and tear.


2. Is it better to repair or remanufacture Indramat products?

  Given the unavailability of new Indramat products and parts for remanufacture, opting for repair is often the practical choice. However, if assurance exists that a remanufacture will use genuine and original manufacturer parts, it can be a viable option.

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Indramat USA
1620 Old Apex Road
Cary, NC 27513


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International: 1-919-443-0207





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