R911328607 is part of the CSH Advanced Controllers Series by Indramat Controls.
Control panel power consumption
1 watt
X8 slot status
X10 slot status
encoder emulator
Analog input
RS232 serial interface
Digital outputs
Current control durations
62.5 to 125 microseconds
Position control durations
250 to 500 microseconds
Speed control durations
125 to 250 microseconds
Control section power consumption
7.5 watts
Number of digital inputs
7 to 11
Handling requirement
Skilled personnel
Touch probes among digital inputs
Width-modulation model inrush current
Four amperes
Included communication module
Master SERCOS interface
X4 slot encoder
Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
Compatibility with residential low-voltage mains
Product dimensions (width x height x depth)
103 mm x 241 mm x 49.5 mm
SERCOS cycle time
250 ms.