R911329848 is part of the CSH Advanced Control System Series by Indramat Controls.
Serial Interface: RS-232 SERCOS Cycle Time: 250 microseconds Communication Interface: SERCOS III master Switching Frequencies: 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 kilohertz Firmware Verification: Via type plate Dimensions: 241 x 103 x 49.5 millimeters Mounting: Vertical Cooling: Convection Ambient Temperature Range: 0 to 40 degrees Celsius.
CSH011CS3EN2NNNMD2S2SNNFW CSH01 1C S3 EN2 NNN MD2 S2 S NN FW csh01.1c-s3-en2-nnn-md2-s2-s-nn-fw CSH1.1C-S3-EN2-NNN-MD2-S2-S-NN-FW