R911319922 is part of the CDB Drive Controllers Series by Indramat Drives.
Product type: Bosch Rexroth Drive Controllers
Design: Double-axis control section
Configurability: Yes
Communication interface: SERCOS
Minimum SERCOS cycle time: 1000μs
Velocity cycle times: 250μs and 500μs
Combined I/Os: Four
Encoder evaluation interface: D-sub 15 poles
Built-in analog I/O extension: Yes
Number of analog inputs and outputs channels: Two each
Resolution of analog channels: 12-bit
Pulse switching frequencies: 2kHz, 4kHz, and 8kHz
Commissioning method: Standard control panel
Safety features: Protective Extra-Low voltage systems (PELV)
Shipping: Global
CDB011CSEEN2EN2NNNMA1NNSNNFW CDB01 1C SE EN2 EN2 NNN MA1 NN S NN FW cdb01.1c-se-en2-en2-nnn-ma1-nn-s-nn-fw CDB1.1C-SE-EN2-EN2-NNN-MA1-NN-S-NN-FW