R911372850 is part of the HCS Compact Converters / Drive Controllers Series by Indramat Drives.
Function: Controlling and monitoring electric motors User Panel Features: Single-line display and four operating keys Encoder Interfaces: 2 Encoder Supply Voltage: 5V and 12V Mains Connecting Voltage: Three-phase AC between 110V and 230V Maximum Current: 13A Safety Technology: Safe Torque Off (STO) Ingress Protection Rating: IP 20 Installation: Within control cabinets Communication Module: Multi-Ethernet Ethernet Field Bus Systems Compatibility: sercos III, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, or PROFINET IO Firmware: Supported, ordered separately
HCS011EW0013A02AETECECL3NNFW HCS01 1E W0013 A 02 A ET EC EC L3 NN FW hcs01.1e-w0009-a-02-b-et-ec-cn-l3-nn-fw HCS1.1E-W0013-A-02-A-ET-EC-EC-L3-NN-FW