R911378209 is part of the HCS Compact Converters / Drive Controllers Series by Indramat Drives.
Supply Voltage: 5V and 12V Cooling Mechanism: Internal cooling mechanism Switching Frequencies: 4kHz, 8kHz, 12kHz, 16kHz Control Sections Compatibility: Bosch Rexroth control sections in the BASIC range Communication Module: Multi-Ethernet Ethernet Field Bus Systems: sercos III, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET IO Firmware Use: Allowed but must be ordered separately Ambient Temperature: Should not exceed 40oC Maximum Installation Height: 1,000m above mean sea level
HCS011EW0018A02BETECNNS5NNFW HCS01 1E W0018 A 02 B ET EC NN S5 NN FW hcs01.1e-w0013-a-02-b-et-ec-nn-s4-nn-fw HCS1.1E-W0018-A-02-B-ET-EC-NN-S5-NN-FW