R911377425 is part of the KSM Motor Integrated Servo Drives Series by Indramat Drives.
Product Type
Motor-Integrated Servo Drive
Protection Rating
Multi-turn device with 128 signal periods
Motor Shaft
Keyway and sealing ring
Input Voltage
540 to 750 Volts DC
DC Bus Capacitance
0.024 millifarads
Rotor Inertia
0.00173 kg m2
Thermal Time Constant
15 minutes
Maximum Speed
3400 RPM
Maximum Torque
35 Nm
Maximum Current
17.7 Amps
Voltage Constant
155 Volts/1000 RPM at 20 degrees Celsius
Cooling Method
Natural convection
Operating Temperature
0 to 40 degrees Celsius
Relative Humidity
5 to 95%
Less than 1000 meters above sea level.