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R911201044 (RD51.1-5B-045-D-D1-FW)

RD 500 Drive Controllers

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The Bosch Rexroth R911201044 (RD51.1-5B-045-D-D1-FW) is a high-tech drive converter offering excellent motion control, ideal for use with three-phase electric motors. With a power rating of 45 kW, this model performs optimally when connected to a 3 x AC 500 V power source and absorbs a continuous current of 66 A. Designed for maximum resilience, it is equipped with an inbuilt brake chopper and operates effectively within a temperature range of 0 to +40 degrees Celsius. A plug-through cooler ensures the avoidance of any heat-damage, and an extra DC 24V power supply takes care of emergencies. A NAMUR terminal strip is included for agile data transfer. The R911201044 (RD51.1-5B-045-D-D1-FW), which delivers an output within a frequency range of 0 to 250 Hz, is best employed in a dust-free environment, alongside compatible Rexroth products. The unit comes with a one-year replacement warranty.

Technical Specifications

Product Type
Drive Converter

Power Supply
3 x AC 500 V with 10% tolerance

Rated Current
66 A

Brake Chopper

Rated Power Data
45 kW

Operating Temperature
0 to 40 degree Celsius

Cooling Method
Plug-through cooler

Humidity Limits
Specifications not provided

External Power Supply
DC 24V

Output Frequency
0 to 250 Hz

Data Transfer
NAMUR terminal strip

Control Cabinet with Air Conditioning

Heat Proximity
Safe distance from heat-sensitive devices

Common Misspellings

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Indramat USA 1 Year Warranty
We offer a repair service for the RD51.1-5B-045-D-D1-FW.
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