R911201174 is part of the RD 500 Drive Controllers Series by Indramat Drives.
Cooling Type
Rear Cooling with Forced Ventilation Option
380 to 480 Volts AC (three-phase)
Additional Features
Integrated Brake Chopper and Resistor
Output Power Rating
50 kVA
Output Frequency Range
0 to 1000 Hertz
Nominal Drive Current
66 Amps
Rated Current
83 Amps
Peak Output Power
63 kVA for 60 seconds
Environmental Class
3K3 as per DIN IEC 721-3-3
Cooling Airflow Requirement
0.4 cubic meters per second
Ideal Ambient Temperature
0 to 40 degrees Celsius
Protection Level
Approximately 80 kilograms
Global Availability.