R911201382 is part of the RD 500 Drive Controllers Series by Indramat Drives.
Product Type
Drive controller
22 kilowatts
Converter Type
Three-Phase AC
Input Voltage
380 to 480 Volts
Brake Chopper
Pulse Frequencies
4 and 8 kilohertz
Output Frequency at 4khz
0 to 250 Hertz
Current Rating at 4khz
43 Amps
Peak Current Rating for 60 Seconds at 4khz
55 Amps
Output Power Rating at 4khz
28 kVA
Output Frequency at 8khz
0 to 500 Hertz
Current Rating at 8khz
35 Amps
Peak Current Rating for 60 Seconds at 8khz
46 Amps
Output Power Rating at 8khz
23 kVA
Environmental Class
Working Temperature Range
0 to 40 degrees Celsius
Power Reduction
2.5% per K between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius
Airflow for Ambient Temperature Maintenance
0.1 cubic meters per second
Standby Power Support
24 Volts
Commissioning Options
Operator Panel, RDwin PC software
Installation Requirement
Trained Personnel