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R911337842 is part of the 1MB High-Speed Asynchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Part Type
Cooling Method
Liquid Cooling
Coolant Flow Rate
1.4 l/min
Heat Dissipation
1 kW
Net Weight
5.3 kg
Rated Speed
5000 rpm
Rated Torque
7 Nm
Rated Current
25 A
Rated Power
3.7 kW
Maximum Operating Speed
20000 rpm
Maximum Torque
17.5 Nm
Peak Current
52.7 A
Thermal Time Constant
5 min
Pole Pairs
Torque Constant at 20 degree Celsius
0.34 Nm/A
Protection Category
Sensor Type
NTC and PTC resistors for foreign controllers.