R911339695 is part of the 1MB High-Speed Asynchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Product Type
Stator for 1MB Kit Spindle Motor
High torque operations
Operating Temperature
0 to +40 degree Celsius
Elevation Limit
1000 meters above sea level
Power Source
3-phase AC
Continuous Torque
260 Nm
Rated Speed
700 rpm
Rated Current
75 A
Rated Power
19 kW
Cooling Mode
Liquid cooling
Coolant Speed
5 l/min
Heat Dissipation
3.5 kW
Winding Inductivity
1.753 mH
Winding Resistance
0.173 Ohms
Overvoltage and Over-temperature
Maximum Speed
2800 rpm
Peak Current
164 A
Maximum Torque
651 Nm
Pole Pairs
Total Mass
67 kg