R911306634 is part of the MSK IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Connector Rotation
240 Degrees
DIN 42955
Encoder Type
Single Turn Absolute EnDat 2.1
Signal Periods
Sound Pressure Level
Less than 75dBA
Frame Size
B5 (EN 60034-7)
Output Shaft
Cylindrical with Centering Hole (DIN 332, Part 2)
Explosion Risk
If mishandled during connection
Installation Altitude
0m - 1,000m above sea level (DIN EN 60034-1)
Temperature Change Rate
Maximum Radial Shock Load
500m/s2 for 11ms
IP 65 for output shaft and housing
Shaft Sealing Ring
Radial, DIN 3760 – version A, greased for life
Direct contact with Machining Medium
To be avoided.