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R911316181 is part of the MSK IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Cooling Time
5x thermal constant
Operating Temperature
Not beyond 55°C
Leakage Current
Over housing parts with conduction property
Dependent on cable length
Tensile Load Limit
Specified according to connection cables
Unit Test
As per EN 60079-15 specifications
Malfunction Tolerance
Thermal Constants
155 (EN 60034-1 specification)
Storage Conditions
Dust-free, dry, and vibration-free
Housing Leakproof
Temperature Sensor
Backup Support
1 year from Indramat USA
Warning Temperature
Surface temperature reaches 140°C
Humidity during Transportation
75% at 30°C
Cooling Fins Maintenance
Regular cleaning needed
Lifetime of Bearings
Reduced at high operating temperatures
Protective Conductor Connection Check
Periodic check needed