The Bosch Rexroth R911331229 (MSK100A-0300-NN-S1-BG1-NNNN) synchronous servomotor is designed with an A-frame length code and should be kept in its original condition, avoiding structural changes. It requires proper installation, mounting, transport, and storage for optimal safety and performance, and should not operate over 3000m above sea level. The motor only performs specific functions when programmed with a relevant drive controller prior to startup. Incorrect operations, including faulty cable connections or incorrect parameter input, may result in high electric voltage, dangerous movements, and potential explosion if tensile load exceeds capacity. The product, designed with a rugged and compact build, may exhibit ignition sparks when connectors are loaded and leak currents due to corrosion. Safety-related components and explosion protection properties require testing in accordance with EN 60079-15. Its holding brake is controller controlled and housing may not be leakproof due to gasket deterioration and temperature fluctuations. The servomotor has a one-year backup support and can be shipped worldwide.
Frame Length Code: A-frame Mechanical Status: Unaltered Installation Condition: Should not be defective or damaged Application Specific Function: Depends on drive controller programming Maximum Operational Elevation: 3000m above sea level Electrical Hazard: Exists due to incorrect operation Thermal Constant: Approximately five times its cooling time Tensile Load Limit: Can explode if exceeded Cable End Requirement: Needs mechanical fastening Backup Support: Valid for a year Design: Rugged and compact Ignition Trigger: Connections under load Leakage Current: Bears over housing due to corrosion Holding Brake Control: Managed by the drive controller Delivery: Worldwide through associated global network.