R911338393 is part of the MSK IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Encoder specifications
Maximum 9000 RPM, 60mA, 7-12V DC
Brake operating voltage
24V DC
Brake holding torque
4 Nm
Rated motor torque
2.7 Nm
Peak motor torque
12.5 Nm
Keyway with sealing ring
Key size
5 x 5 x 20 (DIN 6885-A)
Centering hole
DS M5 (DIN 332 part 2)
Cooling type
Natural convection
3.6 kilograms
Maximum speed
7500 RPM
Housing protection
Number of pole pairs
Maximum current rating
18.5 Amps
Continuous current rating
3.6 Amps.