R911390726 is part of the MSK IndraDyn S Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Cooling Compatibility
Surface cooling
Thermal Time Constant
19.8 minutes
Storage Temperature
-20 to +80 degrees Celsius
0.32 ohms
Voltage Constant at 20 degrees Celsius
82.7 V/min-1
Output Shaft
With Keyways and sealing ring
Operational Humidity
Less than 90%
Constant Torque at 100 K
28 Nm
Constant Current
24.4 A
Class of Insulation
Encoder Type
Absolute Hiperface, multiple turns
23.5 kg
Plug Type
240-degree rotatable
Continuous Torque (Surface cooling at rest)
34.5 Nm
Continuous Current
30 A
Maximum Torque
84 Nm
Maximum Speed
6000 rev/min
Protection Rating
IP 65