R911201275 is part of the RZF Line Filters Series by Indramat Drives.
ModuleType: Radio Interference Signal Module Application Area: Domestic and Industrial Environment ClimateCategory: 3k3 PulseFrequency: 4 kHz, 10 kHz, 12 kHz ConnectionCableLength: 80 m, 50 m, 30 m ComplianceStandard: EN619800-3 EMC, Voltage-Speed Drives in the Second PowerRating: 55 kW / 75 kW PowerSupply: Three-Phase NominalVoltage: 380 V - 480 V VoltageTolerance: 10 V NominalCurrent: 149 A at 4 kHz, 88 A at 12 kHz OuterEnclosureProtection: IP 20 MaximumElevation: 1000 meters above sea level