R911171812 is part of the VPB Box PC Units Series by Indramat HMIs.
Power Supply: 24V Socket strip Usage: Woodworking Machines Connectivity: External 24V power supply Battery: CMOS with 5-7 years service life Operating Temperature: 5°C to 45°C Risk: Corrosion from sulfur-containing gases Radio Interference: Must be lessened in small businesses and home use Shipping: Freight agents, example DHL Weight: Approximately 2.5kg Certification: CE Certified, cULus Listed, CSA Certified
VPB403D1K2G0NND2DENNNFW VPB40 3D1K 2G0NN D2D EN NN FW vpb40.3d1k-2g0nn-d2d-en-nn-fw