R911285102 is part of the MHD Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Motor Type
Permanent Magnet
Encoder Type
Multiturn Motor Encoder
Common Use
Load-carrying, Presses, Punches, Inlets pressing
Installation Type
Shock-absorbent way
Connections Type
Standard Electric Connections
Motor Speed
4000 per minute
Rated Speed
3500 per minute
Peak Current
57.6 Ampere
Rated Current
3.4 Ampere to 14.6 Ampere
Rated Torque
4.5 Newton meters to 19.3 Newton meters
Rated Voltage
325 Volts to 366 Volts
Rated Operating Frequency
233 Hertz
Winding Inductivity
6.9 miliHenry
14.5 kilograms
Temperature for Maximum Output
0 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius
Suitable Mounting Height
1000 meters above MSL