R911287431 is part of the MHD Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
60/100 K
Continuous torque
48.0 Nm
Rated rotational speed
2000 revolutions per minute
Sealing ring
Installed on motor shaft
Cooling methods
Natural and surface cooling
Natural cooling rated power
6.4 kW
Natural cooling rated torque
24.9 Nm
Rated current consumption
12.1 A
Operating conditions
0 to +40 degrees Celsius
Relocation conditions
-20 and +80 degrees Celsius
Performance ratio
Weight-to-performance ratio
Holding brake weight
3.8 kilos
Holding brake torque
70 Nm
Holding brake rated current
1.29 A
Holding brake rated voltage
24 V
Torque constant
1.65 Nm/A
0.66 ohms
30 kilos
Winding inductivity
8.6 mH
Maximum rotational speed
4000 revolutions per minute
Theoretical maximum torque
110 Nm.