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R911292144 is part of the MHD Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Peak Speed
4000 RPM
34 kg
Rated Power
10.1 kW at 60/100 K temperature
Rated Voltage
307 volts
Rated Frequency
167 Hz
Cooling Method
Surface cooling
Degree of Protection
Winding resistance at 20 degree Celsius
0.43 ohms
Voltage constant
108.5 V/1000min-1
Thermal time constant
20 to 40 minutes
Winding inductivity
5.5 mH
Shaft type
Simple shaft with sealing ring
Operating temperature
0 to +40 degrees Celsius
Operating height
Less than 1000 meters above sea level
Feedback encoder type
Maximum Torque
102 Nm
Power Consumption
117 A
Holding Brake
1.1 kg with holding torque of 22 Nm
Holding Brake Current Consumption
0.71 A