R911298425 is part of the MHD Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Moment of Inertia
192x10-4 kgm2
Max Theoretical Torque
102 Nm
Max Revolution
4000 RPM
Output Shaft
Servo Feedback
Continuous Torque (Surface Cooling)
42 Nm
Continuous Current (Surface Cooling)
39 A
Power during Natural Cooling
4.2 kW
Thermal Time Constant
20 or 40 minutes
Power Connector
Winding Inductivity
5.5 mH
Torque Constant
1.25 Nm/A
Rated Speed (Natural Cooling at 100 K)
2500 RPM
Rated Frequency (Natural Cooling at 100 K)
167 Hz
Voltage during Natural Cooling
280 volts
Current during Natural Cooling
8.9 A.