R911324786 is part of the MHD Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Cooling Method
Convective heat transfer and surface cooling
Thermal Time Constant
20-40 minutes
34 kg
Torque Constant
1.25 Nm/A
Voltage Constant
108.5 V/1000min-1
Operating Temperature
0 to +40 degrees Celsius
Operating Altitude
Less than 1000m above sea level
Layer Thickness
Less than 40 µm
Winding Inductivity
5.5 mH
Winding Resistance
0.43 ohms
Encoder Type
Digital servo feedback
Maximum Torque
102 Nm
Peak Current
117 A
Protection Degree
Insulation Class
Constant Torque
42 Nm (during surface cooling)
Continuous Current
39 A (during surface cooling)
Top Speed
4000 RPM
Holding Brake Torque
32 Nm
Moment of Inertia
192 x 10-4 kgm2
Rated Torque
13.5 Nm
Rated Power
4.2 kW
Rated Voltage
280 volts (at 60K under natural cooling)