R911284275 is part of the MHP Synchronous Motors Series by Indramat Motors.
Cooling Method
Rated Power
8.9 kW
Nominal Voltage
367 V
Rated Nominal Current
18.6 A
Nominal Frequency
166 Hz
Nominal Motor Torque
33.9 Nm
Continuous Torque at Standstill
42 Nm
Theoretical Maximum Torque
102 Nm
Base Speed
2500 rev/min
Characteristic Motor Speed
2000 rev/min
Maximum Motor Speed
4500 rev/min
Optimal Performance Elevation
1000m above sea level
Storage Temperature
-20 to +80 degrees Celsius
Operation Temperature
0-40 degrees Celsius
Housing Protection Category
IP 65
Insulation Class
Motor Housing Color
Prime Black (RAL 9005)
Motor Feedback
Incremental Encoder (2048 increments)
Drive Shaft
Plain with sealing ring
Power Connection Output Direction
Side A
Holding Brake
Housing Design
Natural Convection
Motor Weight
48 kg
Blower Unit
Specified at time of order
Repair and Exchange Services
Provided by Indramat USA