The Rexroth Indramat R911273895 (MKD090B-035-GG1-KN) is a durable, high-performing MKD motor. Each motor has parameters defined at 60k and 100k over-temperatures. Motor type codes can change based on use, and a detailed user manual can be consulted for assistance. The motor's characteristic curves and data are determined under certain conditions - an environmental temperature of approximately 45 degrees Celsius, an insulated structure and permissible housing over-temperature of 60K. For motors with optional holding brakes, the given data applies. These motors feature a radial shaft sealing ring and can come with accessories such as sealing air connectors, gearings and more. The operational reliability of the planetary gearings and high-performance data are notable. The drive's data, determined under an environmental temperature around 40 degrees Celsius and permissible winding overheat, corresponds to the 100K characteristic curve. All Rexroth motors are documented in compliance with the test criteria and measuring methods of EN 60034-1 and can be bought with variably sized blower units.
Product: Rexroth Indramat MKD Motor Motor Parameters: 60K and 100K Motor Over-temperature: 60K housing and 100K winding Code Types: Variable as per usability Optional Features: Holding brakes, Radial shaft-based sealing ring Accessories: Sealing air connectors, Gearings Gearings Characteristics: High operation reliability, High performance data Measured Structure Curve: 100K characteristic curve Documented Standards: EN 60034-1 measuring methods and test criteria Operating Modes: S1 or S6 Optional Purchase: With blower units Mechanical dimensions of blower units: Variable based on motor.